Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron at Shark Valley in the Everglades this past January

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer has set in

So, in attempt to become more regular with this, this will be my second post in a week. Breeding activity is at its peak here in Northeastern Pennsylvania right now, with the season's first fledglings beginning to appear. Golden-winged banding is starting to become more difficult, as the birds have begun to repond much less to playback. The last two birds I banded were caught using a screech owl mobbing recording, rather than Golden-winged Warbler song. The reason for this is purely speculative, but it seems as if now that the males have bred, they are less interested in defending their territories against rival males, and more concerned with parental duties. The birding itself has slowed down as well, since all of the migrants have passed through.

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