Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron at Shark Valley in the Everglades this past January

Friday, February 20, 2009

So its been about 8 months since I've posted anything here.....since that first post I have: traveled to St. Paul Island, Alaska to work as a tour guide for the Tanadusix Corporation. St. Paul is a tiny island in the Pribilofs, a group of islands out in the middle of the Bearing Sea (closer to Russia than to mainland Alaska) where several unique species of seabirds nest and which houses the largest Northern Fur Seal rookery in the world. After seeing many good birds (including my 600th ABA lifebird, a Slaty-backed Gull) and meeting and guiding many tourists, I left the island in August and headed back to Pennsylvania.
After a week of packing I finally loaded up the car and headed to my new home in Tucson, Arizona. During the fall I didn't work much, but did manage some field work in the beautiful Pelloncillo Mountains in New Mexico. Home for the holidays, I was about to return to Tucson when I found out I needed to have my appendix taken out. 10 days in the hospital, what fun! So now its almost March and I'm still stuck here in PA. I'll be heading back to Tucson soon though to figure out where I want to take a field job for the summer. Until then, Bird On.